Sunday, October 13, 2013


I don't mean to yell, but I think it's very important for me to relay this message to you. There are some things that you should never pay full price for. Probably most things, to be honest. But here are some of the ones I have noticed... more suggestions are always appreciated!

1. Smelly Candles. The Good Kind of Smelly

I love Yankee Candle. Their scents are magical and delicious, to the point where once I licked a Vanilla Cupcake one because I was that convinced it would be tasty. (Spoiler alert- it wasn't. Tasted like wax. Also the sales associate thought I was completely insanse, and my friends will never let me live it down.)

 Anyway, I'm not saying not to shop there. I'm just saying that when you DO shop there, ALWAYS USE A COUPON. If you need another smelly de-light, always Google "yankee candle coupon." There is ALWAYS a coupon. I usually save at least $15 and/or get a free candle. If you need help finding one, let me know. It's that important.

2. Smelly Other Things, or Anything from Bath & Body Works

One time, I was really depressed and having low self esteem and hating my body. Probably one of my high school frenemies got engaged.  I was wine-drunk and crying, and as I calmed down, I sniffled, "At least I smell fabulous."

That, sadly, is a true story. Also true is that Bath & Body Works has a migraine-inducing array of fantastically-scented products that can pull you out of even the darkest depression. But they also have a lot of sales. So never ever pay full price. They frequently have sales where you can "Buy 3, Get 3 Free," which means getting six things that made you smell like apples for the price of 3. Genius.

There are also always coupons available via my life partner, Google. Just check, and you will see that hundreds of thrifty folks across the country are blogging and sharing coupon codes and printable coupons.

3. Crafty Supplies
I crochet. Well, sort of. I've made like 5 things. I like to think I'm crafty, even though most of my undertakings end in failure and regret. (I've tried it all, and failed at most things. Candle-making, jewelry-making, sewing, knitting, paper-making, etc). It's usually about as succesful as this...

The good news about my failed ventures is that
a) I saved money by giving my friends poorly-made things for holidays, and they were all too polite to tell me they looked like a 4th grader made them.
b) I always used coupons, so the supplies were cheap.

Near where I live are A.C. Moore and Michaels. I am on both of their email lists, and am a member of A.C. Moore's loyalty program, wherein I earn rewards dollars.

Michael's posts their weekly ad with coupons here. Of course, I also recommend searching around the internet to find any others.

Same deal for A.C. Moore

I welcome some suggestions of any other retailers that always have coupons and deals. Let me know if you've got any!!!!

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